EPS I (feature)

El Pais Semanal feature magazines from September and December Issue 2007.

New Rave

Jeremy Scott womenswear
Jeremy Scott menswear

I can't be more bothered of listening all day long this 2
words "NU-RAVE".Apparently is what's all about right now.
The only list names you are hearing everywhere is Jeremy Scott
with some french fries or fluorescent bright colours,and japs going in
and out from Kokon To Zai(Soho) buying anything full of mad shapes!
I loved it when it first came out,it was absolutely brilliant! Comming
back to the new 80 s shadows,where a gay-hetero crew could mix up with
eachother not even knowing who is who,and girls who look like boys and
boys who look like birds!Leggins,glitter and hoodedsweetshirts was
HOT,right now...is like the hot indie style that everyone was rocking
last summer(tight pants and ties).0Anyway i suppose we can't move on
that soon,New Rave will be smashing the catwalks for a few more months,
meanwhile,i'm just waiting for the new-hot-thing!(I i've got something really
HOT in my hands!!!)

PS. I found some brilliant tacky jewellery shops in Berwick street,if you
are into new rave accesories you'll find everything that you desired!
Ya lo decian Los Piratas...(como buenos gallegos que son,patria querida,GALIZA-CALIDADE)

Cuando me hiciste llamar no sospechaba
plastilina con color, ropa interior, recuerdos de allá fuera
comics de ciencia-ficción, vida interior
Y yo no quiero volver
no me repitas jamás
que no sabes que hora es
las 7.37 o no? ya terminé
No te echaré de menos en septiembre
verano muerto veré a las chicas pasar
Sera como aquella cancion de los años 80
seré como el tipo que algún dia fui..
Blody marys en el bar
un deja vu, Matrid está cambiando
por la confesión brutal
de tu relatoy yo no quiero volver......

+Mi intencion,no era matar a nadie,ni dejar a la prensa sin
 comidilla de los viernes,..Todos necesitamos un respiro,y brindo por
 aquellos pocos que habeis llegado hasta aqui,por vosotros,y por nuestros
 20 anhos am_lul esta mas viva que nunca!+
