Look of the Day.36:jumping stripes

Thanks to ELLE Norway,for featuring me in the march printed issue
and now also the ONLINE version too.
Gracias a ELLE Noruega por incluirme en el numero de marzo,y ahora
de nuevo en la version Online.

pd.For those who wonder what is that Blurry thing,I have to say it's my dog...
while she was turning herself into a Pokemon or something like that...evil doggie!

jumper-A.P.C (menswear)
jeans-Cheap Monday
boots-All Saints

Look of the Day.35: escape from Woodstock

Thanks for all your messages!
And sorry If I haven't had too much time to post lately..
Finally i'm enjoying my easter-university break!
(pictures and more coming soon!)

Muchas gracias por todos vuestros mensajes!
Y siento si no he tenido mucho tiempo ultimamente para actualizar..
Finalmente estoy empezando a disfrutar de mis vacaciones universitarias 
de pascua!(fotos y mas proximamente!)

poncho-urban outfitters
fringe tee-TopShop

bday girl

1986 was a big year,23 years ago today.

by Saga S.


The Times (uk)


2 days left for my birthday

Look of the Day.34: Lennon Lenses

Not too much to add.More than a year i've been wearing this
Lennon type glasses.And absolutely adore them
 as you have seen in this occasions: 1,2,3,4
 Is shitty rainy in London town,but guess what?It won't stop me
from wearing white tights or shoes!

No mucho mas que anhadir.LLevo mas de un anho usando
las gafas estilo "Lennon" y me encantan,como podeis ver en estas ocasiones: 1,2,3,4 .
Menudo clima llevamos en Londres,en pleno marzo y no he visto un rayo de sol
desde abril del 08,pero eso no me va a impedir usar medias o zapatos blancos!

blazer,shoes and shorts:TopShop


Vogue Girl KOREA

Seems march is my month!(apart that my bday will be in a few days too!)
Thanks so much to Lee Hyemin for making me be part of the 
"World fashion bloggers" in the march issue of Vogue Girl Korea.

Parece ser que marzo es mi mes! (aparte de que tambien dentro de unos dias
sera mi cumpleanhos....  :(  ....).
Muchas gracias a Lee Hyemin por hacerme formar parte de las "bloggeras de moda
del mundo" en el numero de marzo de Vogue Girl Korea.


Look of the Day.33:coffee & magazines in central London


I met Pelayo for coffee at Carnaby Street's Starbucks...
Then we headed to Franks for some international fashion magazines..
And guess who was in  Heat magazine branded as a "hottie"??? :D

Pelayo y yo nos econtramos en el Starbucks de Carnaby Street..
Luego nos encaminamos hacia Franks,una tienda que vende prensa internacional
 de  moda...Y adivinar quien estaba esta semana en la revista 
britanica Heatbajo el titulo de "hottie" ???? :D

adorable Pelayo wears YSL mens purse
poncho worn as scarf-Zara
leather jacket-Zara
jeans-Silence Noise
bag-Miu Miu
shoes-Kurt Geiger

ELLE Norway+Girlfriend Indonesia magazine

(press feature)
More magazines!(seems that AmLul goes Global!)
 Who does not love it when the postman delivers in your door
 a big packet...or..just something bigger than a boring letter from the bank! is so exciting!
Thanks to Kristin Guttormsen for sending me a copy of Elle Norway where
I've been featured in the march issue 09 and to Fhenny Chen,for emailing me the
Girlfriend article from Indonesia.
It makes me sooo happy to know that I have readers all around the globe...
I said it before...but...Thanks you all!

Mas revistas!(parece que AmLul se globaliza!).Y a quien no le gusta que
 el cartero deje grandes paquetes,o paquetitos en su puerta?..vamos! cualquier
cosa que no sea una aburrida carta del banco!
Tengo que agradecer a Kristin Guttormsen por enviarme el ejemplar de ELLE Noruega
donde me han sacado este mes y a Fhenny Chen,por mandarme via mail
el articulo de la revista de Indonesia,Girlfriend donde este mes de marzo tambien
se han "acordado de mi".

Elle Norway-march 09

Girlfriend magazine-Indonesia march 09

Liquid Lizard

After several months I have finally got round to finishing this video. I turned the liquid detail up quite high, which took many gigabytes of hard disk space just to store each frame of this animation. I split the video up and rendered small sections at a time and after several weeks I have managed to finish the video and sequenced it all together.

Best watched by going to the youtube page:
and clicking "watch in HD" under the video.

For this video I decided to take advantage of youtube's HD option, so each frame was rendered in 1280x720 resolution.

When I get some more time I will upload some still renders of the animation, but for now enjoy the video :)
