Motionless Splash

This is a still picture I rendered taken from a single frame of the water animation below.
After scanning through the animation I found this frame to be one of the most active and interesting showing a key frame of the generated water.

3D water
  • +Gala Gonzalez for Silenci+

  • Desde que ayer salio mi BLOGSPOT mencionado en el
     programa"Silenci" debo una explicacion,y el simple hecho de haberme
     ausentado por mas de un anho desde que lo cree hasta las insistentes
     peticiones por parte de algunos de vosotros a que retornara al mundo
     bloggeril me ha convencido en mi regreso a estos lares,y supongo que
     hoy es el mejor dia para ello.

    +Tres cosas claras:
    1,No actualizare amenudo.lo hare cuando me apetezca comunicar un
     suceso eventual.Uso un teclado anglosajon asi q no habra acentuacion
     ni nuestra letra patria.
    2,La mayoria de mis entradas seran en castellano e ingles.
    3,Me veo en libertad de borrar cualquier ofensa verbal hacia mi 
    persona o hacia la de la gente aqui comentada.

    +I should let you know:
    1, I won't upload new post everyday,i'll only post to let you know
     about specific events or things i'm getting involved to.
    2,Most of my publications will be in spanish&english
    And as far as you must know,now all of you can see my tv interview 
    for catalan Tv programme "Silenci" about "iCelebrities"
    I hope soon they will upload the full video for all to see it properly...


    The Water Effect

    Here I created a short animation of splashing water using 'yet another free ray tracer' to render each frame creating a more photo realistic look.

    Download High Quality Version Here

    Jelly Without A Mold

    Here is my first experiment using soft bodies on objects. I messed around with the soft bodies settings on the cubes and the Gecko(a long story, lol) to get them into a jelly like state. I then animated them to see how they reacted with gravity and how they deflected off solid surfaces as well as each other. Enjoy:)

    Download High Quality Version Here

    Cat's Eye

    This is a closeup of the eye I used on the cat below. It consists of a white sphere making up the sclera, an iris, a lens which is transparent and allows a light source to refract through it and finally a black circle to make the pupil.

    Cat Eye

    The Ginger Cat

    This was my first attempt at using particles and is one of my initial creations while learning how to make a 3D model.

    Tabby Cat
