Better Than An Animated Gif - Glass Mountain :)

Here is my animation of the champagne fountain. This simulation took longer to create than I expected but I think it looks good. The original video looks better than the YouTube version here but you can pretty much make out everything from this adaptation.
Can you see the bubbles? :P

Download High Quality Version Here

The Kills

+Ya esta a la venta la editorial para ArtRocker de la que forme
parte junto a la gran fotografa RenRox el pasado mes de Febrero
en Maida Vale con The Kills.Si os preguntais como son ellos
en persona,si...Jamie es un feo atractivisimo muy majo(congratulations
are in order! desde que es oficial su compromiso con Kate)y Alison
Mosshart es mucho mas guapa en flesh y brutalmente fotogenica.+

+para mayor calidad fotografica visiten: RenRox-Flikr

Aqui os dejo las fotos del articulo y otras varias que
sacamos mientras hicimos la sesion

Happy Bday darling!!!!

with Jamie

+It's already out the editorial for ArtRocker that i was
part of with the great photographer RenRox in February at
Maida Vale with The Kills.+

+For better quality images check it at: RenRox-Flikr

Linea U S/S 08

You can find now the latest collecion from Linea U-
Adolfo Dominguez S/S 08. (to find out where is the nearest
Linea U shop you just need to check out the website(see
link below) and click on "shops" and find your country.
To see the rest of the catalogue of this season you just need to
collect it in your nearest store.

Ya esta en todas las tiendas de Spain y por todo el mundo la
nueva coleccion S/S 08 (para averiguar cual es tu tienda Linea U
de Adolfo Dominguez mas cercana solo tienes que entrar en la pagina
web(en el link superior) y buscar en "tiendas" segun tu pais.+
Si quieres ver el resto de las fotos del catalgo solo tienes que acercarte
a tu Linea U mas proximo y recojer un ejemplar.+

+I hope all of you enjoy it.+


  • YEAH is another day...another lovely day,
  • another 16th of march.MY BIRTHDAY. Mis felices 21 han pasado
  • tan rapido! pero TANTAS cosas buenas,bonitas y apreciadas han
  • sucedido durante estos ultimos 12 meses...Aqui un breve resumen
  • fotografico de esos que estan por dentro y por fuera de mi mundo y que
  • le dan ese toque de color personal a nuestra generacion!Gracias a todos y
  • no solo a los que salis en las fotos,sino a todos los demas que estais ahi,
  • ya sabeis...en la familia,en el trabajo,mis ninhas de Corunha y toda esa gente
  • con la que sigo disfrutando de buenos momentos aunque pasen los anhos
  • y podamos permitirnos menos helados de chocolate!y por supuesto A TODOS VOSOTROS,que me seguis dia a dia en mi fotolog...especialmente,GRACIAS!

  • evil RUBY!

    name wristband,present from Elena Gallen

    good times in Madrid

    making off SILENCI? tv

    adorable Mile

    dj LUL!!

    my pretty boys


    con NinyoFixo(Andres) y Elena Gallen(L)


    with beautiful Miranda

    the illustrator of our nights,GERARD(


    binbagssss in Madrid

    Le Team by Gerard

    RenRox is the bollocks mate!


    it generation

    we support ELENAGALLEN.COM

    Le Johi!

    LDN nights

    my boy!(por excelencia)

    Yu,la adoro!

    princess Meripeih!

    couple of the year!!!!
  • Alcohol Fountain

    Well in case you didn't get what would come next, the correct answer is the champagne tower with champagne!! :P

    In this scene I had to turn the fluid resolution down just to get a render in a reasonable time frame. I decided to render the scene using Yafray but this ray tracer currently does not support transparent shadows, which is kind of essential with transparent materials. It's a shame as Yafray can render fluids so much more realistically. Therefore to use this ray tracer I decided to disable the shadows on the glasses and fluid.

    Champagne Foutain 2
    Champagne Foutain 3

    Here is a render done without Yafray. The transparent shadows are there but the fluid does not look as crisp to me.

    Champagne Fountain

    For the animation I have decided to stick with the Yafray version. Hopefully this animation will be posted soon :)

    Calle 20-Street Style LDN

    Este mes de Marzo viene cargado de editoriales,mis
    22 primaveras y muchos acontecimientos mas.

    This month i got published my StreetStyle scouting for
    Calle 20.(SEE PAGES 44-49)You can find it now on their website
    (see below) and also in Madrid,Bilbao,Barcelona and Valencia
    coolest places!

    El articulo en el periodico "20MINUTOS" es un regalito que
    encontro Gerard!!!

    Tower Of Glass

    As you can see from this render, the tower of champagne glasses has now taken shape :) I decided to remove the ice backing and use a darker tiled background so the glasses can be seen better.

    I think its reasonably obvious what the next render will be :P

    Glass Tower

    and if anyone had noticed the top glass is off centre! I didn't see this until after the render had finished (5 hours). This will be fixed for the next render with champagne.

    Champagne Glass Challenge

    Here is a render I created during my attempt at a new scene, which is still to come.

    I created the champagne glasses first and then decided to place them on a wooden floor. Mirror effects were then partially enabled on the material to reflect the glasses, indicating the floor is shiny. The ice background was then added to give the scene a more surreal look (well that's the 'official' reason, it was more like I could not decide what to make the background so just randomly picked a texture, lol :P ). Enjoy :D

    Champagne Glasses

    Don't Drink Too Much....

    Well you've waited long enough so here is the video of the pouring wine animation. I have slowed the speed of the liquid so the splashing can be seen more easily.

    As you can see there are some bugs in the animation on a number of frames. These errors occurred during the fluid calculation. As calculating the fluid took a long time on it's current resolution, I decided to animate what I had done. If I recalculate the fluid the errors should go away but I have decided to put this scene on the shelf to carry on with further creations.

    The still renders of this scene show it in a better light :)

    Download High Quality Version Here

    At the start of this animation it shows the fluid as a fixed shape in the bottle. I decided to leave this in the animation to show the beginning shape I made for the fluid. The shapes volume becomes the liquid demonstrating how it is created. I would normally leave the liquid to rest before starting an animation.
