Look of the Day.19: blue-blurry muffin

leather jacket-vintage
shirt-urban outfitters


I've been quite busy this last few days,looking for my new house is quite stressful
plus the last weeks I've been doing  an awful amount of photo shoots and
 I'm exahusted! I'm still trying to catch up with your latest comments!
Meanwhile you can read the little feature that Culture Creators
from L.A has done  about me. check it out here.
Btw! I must be the last blogger to let you know i'm on Bloglovin' too...
i was meant to tell you ages ago,but I always forget! well...
Then you know how to follow me now don't you?just press the button!

Culture Creators (L.A) ha escrito una pequenha entrada sobre mi aqui.
Por cierto!debo de ser de las ultimas en comentar que podeis seguir
mi blog via Bloglovin'...quise hacerlo hace mucho,pero siempre
se me olvida!Tan solo haz click en el boton superior!

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