Look of the Day.66: Wendy lives in the clouds

jumper-La Casita de Wendy
leather trousers-Frank Tell

Today I'm wearing one of my favorite jumpers,as you probably know by now,
I have an obsession with oversize knitted jumpers.So when Ines,Ivan and Brianda ,
designers of La Casita de Wendy gave methis beautiful jumper from 
their a/w 2009-2010 collection back in July I've been waiting to pair it with my
 Frank Tell leather trousers for ages,but it wasn't warm enough for it till today!
I also found out that has now 30% off online!

Llevaba meses esperando a poder combinar este precioso jersey de La Casita
de Wendy con mis pantalones de cuero de Frank Tell. Desde que Brianda,Ivan e Ines
me hicieron llegar esta preciosidad con print de nubes no he parado de ponermelo,
aunque con este clima loco no he podido hacerlo como queria hasta hoy!
Aparte los que me leeis a menudo sabeis de sobra lo mucho que me gustan los jerseis 
oversize y lo bueno es que este tambien lo puedes combinar como vestido.
Y me acabo de enterar que este jersey tiene el 30% de descuento a traves del blog
de la Casita de Wendy .Si os gusta, ni lo dudeis.


Mathilda's Inspiration

Since a kid I always felt like Mathilda(Natalie Portman in Leon(1994))
Short hair,grunge style,crop tops,tomboy clothes and a black ribbon around my neck.
Frequently I remember I was once this girl.
And I feel very inspired.

Desde ninha me he sentido un poco Matilda(Natalie Portman en la pelicula
Leon(1994))Pelo corto y con flequillo("estilo frances" segun mi madre),
ropa mas bien masculina,donde los vestidos y los lacitos llamaban la atencion
por su ausencia. Y siempre una goma de plastico atada a mi cuello.
Suelo pensar en esta ninha a menudo.
Y me sigue inspirando.


Back in Galicia.
Back in the land of love.
Back to my roots.
Back in the ocean who saw me grow.


This is the latest shoot I did for El Pais Semanal(Spain)
photographer: Antoni Bernad

Muchisimas gracias por los emails que he recibido durante los ultimos dias.
Especialmente a todos/as aquellos que se molestaron en escanear
y mandarme las fotos de EPS y XL Semanal. Muchisimas gracias,de verdad!
Aqui esta el bello resultado de la sesion para El Pais Semanal del mes de Octubre.
Fue una sesion dura,pues empezamos a las 8 am y no terminamos hasta las 10 pm!
Me lleve a mi preciosa perrita ya que veniamos directamente a Barcelona desde
 Londres y aunque a ella le encanta posar y hasta consiguio colarse en alguna foto,
la pobre termino frita,literalmente en mis brazos.
Fue una experiencia inolvidable el haber sido fotografiada por el gran Toni Bernad.
Un sr muy divertido y que no deja de hacerte reir todo el tiempo amenizando el trabajo.
  Nos lo hizo pasar tan bien incluso aunque tuviera que saltar mas de 50
veces subida en los "bicharracos" de los zapatos de la ultima coleccion de 
Nina Ricci que Renee Lopez de Haro me enfundo para mi shoot individual,
o mantener el equilibrio al lado de la guapisima Judit Masco
(y lo digo con letras MAYUSCULAS,) sin aplastar a Akiko  vestida en un total look 
con super taconazos,todo de D&G.
(Aunque en realidad fue un dolor extremadamente placentero)...

look of the Day.61: Bootilicious II

Si alguien me puede mandar scans de mi feature en El Pais Semanal (EL PAIS)
o de XL Semanal (ABC) se lo agradeceria eternamente!!


boots-Burberry Prorsum
rings-Monica Vinader

Look of the Day.62: Dominos

Read my latest interview for VANIDAD magazine and The Stylist LA
Leer mi ultima entrevista para la revista The Stylist LA y VANIDAD

fake fur coat-top shop
shorts-Levi's vintage

Music Collection

I am extremelly proud to present you my first collection:
The Music Collection
The past few months have been the most exciting ones of my life.
From last minute details to a thousand interviews...It's has been a beautiful
journey.Most of you (specially the spanish ones) already know what this is
all about.But I felt I needed to share it with the rest of my international readers.
The Music Collection has been yet the biggest collaboration of my career,
and also as a designer.Of course,I couldn't be more excited or happier,about
the amazing opportunity that I've been given and I feel very honoured to be chosen
the one in charge to make this collection a reality,even knwoing that
this has envolved a big responsibility.I must admit it has been a challenge to
design menswearfor the very first time,but I have loved the experience very
much! 12 months ago I was asked to design a collection that reflected the link
between music and fashion.Something that we all have experimented
with before.I felt I needed to dig into the concept a little bit more,
jut to end up realising the best way to express this was through my very
own eyes andexperience.I have always loved music specially rock and roll from
late 60s,70s tillnowadays...so it wasn't difficult to take influence from those
who have always inspired me.As I've been saying in previous posts,I've
taken references from Maddonna to Billy Idol(Generation X),
Bryan Ferry, Chris Martin,Kings of Leon,Siousxie and the Banshees,
Marc Boland to even The Who. I wanted my costumers to feel confortable
in their clothes,that they could jump and scream in them and
at the same time feel chic and elegant,all combined with a darker touch....
And this is when The Music Collection got shape and was about
time for it to be released,( the official launch was last 10th of september
in Madrid).The reason why this collection is only sold in spanish stores
is because the collaboration is between spanish label Adolfo Dominguez
(the brand for which I am creative director of their young line "Linea U")
and the number 1 spanish radio "40 Principales".But no worries you
can still BUY worldwide on the ONLINE STORE! You can find out
more about Music Collection here (remember to choose english language).

The shooting for the campaing took place during July 09:
my beloved Saga was in charged to capture through her
camera lensses the beautiful images above.
I was once again in charge of the whole concept as Creative Director.
Big thanks to my lovely TEAM!

send me your outfit combined with a Music Collection garment
and you'll be on our website!(amlulgala@gmail.com) remember,
picture should show the entire outfit.

