Music Collection

I am extremelly proud to present you my first collection:
The Music Collection
The past few months have been the most exciting ones of my life.
From last minute details to a thousand interviews...It's has been a beautiful
journey.Most of you (specially the spanish ones) already know what this is
all about.But I felt I needed to share it with the rest of my international readers.
The Music Collection has been yet the biggest collaboration of my career,
and also as a designer.Of course,I couldn't be more excited or happier,about
the amazing opportunity that I've been given and I feel very honoured to be chosen
the one in charge to make this collection a reality,even knwoing that
this has envolved a big responsibility.I must admit it has been a challenge to
design menswearfor the very first time,but I have loved the experience very
much! 12 months ago I was asked to design a collection that reflected the link
between music and fashion.Something that we all have experimented
with before.I felt I needed to dig into the concept a little bit more,
jut to end up realising the best way to express this was through my very
own eyes andexperience.I have always loved music specially rock and roll from
late 60s,70s it wasn't difficult to take influence from those
who have always inspired me.As I've been saying in previous posts,I've
taken references from Maddonna to Billy Idol(Generation X),
Bryan Ferry, Chris Martin,Kings of Leon,Siousxie and the Banshees,
Marc Boland to even The Who. I wanted my costumers to feel confortable
in their clothes,that they could jump and scream in them and
at the same time feel chic and elegant,all combined with a darker touch....
And this is when The Music Collection got shape and was about
time for it to be released,( the official launch was last 10th of september
in Madrid).The reason why this collection is only sold in spanish stores
is because the collaboration is between spanish label Adolfo Dominguez
(the brand for which I am creative director of their young line "Linea U")
and the number 1 spanish radio "40 Principales".But no worries you
can still BUY worldwide on the ONLINE STORE! You can find out
more about Music Collection here (remember to choose english language).

The shooting for the campaing took place during July 09:
my beloved Saga was in charged to capture through her
camera lensses the beautiful images above.
I was once again in charge of the whole concept as Creative Director.
Big thanks to my lovely TEAM!

send me your outfit combined with a Music Collection garment
and you'll be on our website!( remember,
picture should show the entire outfit.


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