Parabens brasileiros

 Back in Europe...with a tear in my heart. Of course I'm happy to be back home in England but also I'm deeply upset to have left Brazil. I've had such an intense few weeks down there, and that's been the main reason for the lack of posts too. I don't really talk about my personal life on my blog, but this time I wanted to share with everyone what I've been through and learned. Love, tears and samba. :) I've had the opportunity to attend Rio and Salvador's carnival, and to hang out with the nicest people in Sao Paulo. I wanted to give a big shout and thanks to all of you who have made my time down there unforgettable.. OBRIGADA!

Two days ago was my birthday and that same day Bruno Noveli  took this picture of myself at his studio in Sao Paulo with one his is work-in-process pieces. For some of you into art his name might ring a bell, and for those who don't know about him yet, this is a great time to check out his great work. He is a talented artist and an amazing person too. I wish him all the luck in the world and to keep the good work!

And of that i'm a quarter brazilian at heart i wanted to share my fav song while in Salvador!

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