JENNY YUEN and the Slash part.II

First of all.APOLOGIES for not been able
to post more often,I'm gonna be mad busy until the end
of next month.It seems December is the busiest
month for fashion business(apart from FW's).
I love what I do,but It takes sometimes so much out of you!

Jenny Yuen it's a wonderful handbag designer
from NYC graduated from Parsons.
She kindly sent me this gorgeous bag,
which since the last couple of weeks  has become
my favourite bag!The soft and lovely coloured leather,
the zips and logos,everything it has been done to a
very high standard.(she truly puts her heart on each 
of her own pieces,and it shows)
This winter i've been mad looking for a double-use bag.
Were I could wear it as a messenger for a daily use
 and also it could be the perfect chic handbag for going out.
This one has it all.
If you are interested,the model I'm wearing
 is the HITCHCOCK chesnut,
and now  entering this code:"Thankyou08"
you can get FREE DELIVERY!
For more info about Jenny Yuen bags click HERE.

Ante todo,DISCULPAS por no poder actualizar
mas amenudo ultimamente,pero estoy y estare 
ocupadisima hasta finales del prox mes con
 muchos proyectos.
Diciembre parece estar siendo el mes mas atareado 
en mi agenda,(aparte de las fashion weeks).

Jenny Yuen,es una fantastica disenhadora de bolsos
graduada en la Parsons de NYC.
Amablemente me envio uno de sus preciosos bolsos que,
desde que llego a mis manos no he podido dejar de usar,
hasta convertirse en uno de mis bolsos preferidos!
y es que desde hace meses llevaba buscando un bolso con
doble uso,para llevar como bandolera durante los dias de semana
y que a la vez fuese elegante y de mano.
Los logos,cremalleras,lacados y la blandita piel estan realizados
a un alto nivel y lujo donde con el uso,el bolso, se vuelve todavia
mas bonito.Si estas interesada en adquirir uno,ahora usando el
codigo:"thankyou08" el envio te saldra gratis.
El modelo que yo llevo es el: HITCHCOCK chesnut.
Para mas info visita JENNY YUEN


scarf-present from ecuador

making of Ragazza+ this months feature

Mr Vuitton hizo posible que nos 
 reunieramos en la capital Madrilenha.
Pronto conocereis el porque.:)
(foto de Mario)



While i catch up with your comments,get ready
 "the coming up posts"(and get the pictures from the Marie-Claire 
Prix awards) you can watch the video making of 
Gala for RAGAZZA magazine(The pictures have been posted 
already HERE)Courtesy of Carlota Pedrayo

Mientras me pongo al dia y respondo vuestros comentarios
(lo siento si ultimamente casi no he podido hacerlo pero estas 
semanas estoy mas ocupada que nunca y con esto de que las 
navidades se acercan el tiempo se vuelve oro) y preparo las 
nuevas entradas para mi blog(fotos de los Prix Marie-Claire 
y del ultimo viajecillo), podeis ver el video del making of
 para Ragazza(las fotos ya las habeis visto aqui)
Cortesia de Carlota Pedrayo.
Plus this month feature in Ragazza magazine AGAIN!
Y este mes vuelvo a hacer acto de presencia en la revista Ragazza!


TEEN VOGUE U.S.A (feature)

blogger of the moment!

"...this Spanish beauty is a sure-fire stylesetter in the making
 and giving some of the chic citezens featured on
 the Sartorialist a serious run for their money."
---Naomi Nevitt


Vogue,the magic word. click HERE to read!
Haz click arriba para leer el articulo.


Calle20 magazine


November Issue out now!

Look of the Day.19: blue-blurry muffin

leather jacket-vintage
shirt-urban outfitters


I've been quite busy this last few days,looking for my new house is quite stressful
plus the last weeks I've been doing  an awful amount of photo shoots and
 I'm exahusted! I'm still trying to catch up with your latest comments!
Meanwhile you can read the little feature that Culture Creators
from L.A has done  about me. check it out here.
Btw! I must be the last blogger to let you know i'm on Bloglovin' too...
i was meant to tell you ages ago,but I always forget! well...
Then you know how to follow me now don't you?just press the button!

Culture Creators (L.A) ha escrito una pequenha entrada sobre mi aqui.
Por cierto!debo de ser de las ultimas en comentar que podeis seguir
mi blog via Bloglovin'...quise hacerlo hace mucho,pero siempre
se me olvida!Tan solo haz click en el boton superior!
slash me please!

slash your jeans now
jeans-topshop(slashed by me)
shoes-Christian Louboutin

(It's out the interview I did for Spanish Marie-Claire
But unfortunately is only in spanish!)

Ya podeis leer la entrevista basada en las preguntas
 que vosotros,los lectores de MARIE-CLAIRE Espanha
 mandasteis durante el pasado mes
 haciendo click en
Un articulo de la mano de  Ariadna Ferret.
 D is for Denim, F is for Factoria

Maribel Lopez and Claudia Olmeda are the owners
 of Denimfactoria and also they've sent me
one of their first jeans,the Bravo model.
They've sent a dark pair to Mireia as well.
Denimfactoria have created easy and
elegant jeans that are also fun and unique.
They've just started but they have already two
wonderful models,Bravo and Alpha.
In their own words:
"Denimfactoria is a brand born out of the frustration of
 two friends who could not find a fun and trendy pair of 
jeans that weren’t made by a massive retail chain and 
with questionable quality or really good jeans that 
were ridiculously expensive"
 If you are interested
they ship worldwide,just click HERE.

Maribel Lopez y Claudia Olmeda son las creadores
de la nueva marca de jeans Denimfactoria.
En sus propias palabras:
"Nuestro fin es crear pantalones elegantes y 
usables pero sobre todo divertidos y “únicos”, 
que puedan hacer la difícil transición del día 
a la noche y siguiendo las tendencias nuevas del denim."
Me han mandado uno de sus dos pares de jeans 
que hay actualmente en el mercado,Bravo y Alpha.
A  Mireia le mandaron recientemente el mismo 
modelo Bravo(pero en oscuro).
 Se pueden comprar online haciendo click AQUI.

leather jacket-vintage
tee-Acne Jeans
scarf-Adolfo Dominguez

Dotted Skirt

I know you have seen this picture in my
feature on Ragazza magazine.But as I like
very much the outfit I thought it didn't show
as much as I wanted it to show on paper
(the picture was much smaller) 
Just wanted to share it again with you guys.

Ya se que habeis visto esta fotografia
en el reportaje de Ragazza,pero creo que
en papel y en chiquitito no mostraba el 
outfit en todo su esplendor y es sin duda
uno de mis favoritos.
Por eso queria compartirla con vosotros
de nuevo.

[all photos by Chus Anton]
skirt-Linea U s/s 09(en tiendas a partir de marzo)
tee-Urban Outfitters

PS.1 Most of you have asked me if I could upload
bigger pictures in my blog.I'm happy to do it
always when there are not a hundred of them
to upload(like trips and stuff)
Muchos me habeis pedido si puedo subir las ima-
genes en tamanho grande,no hay problema!Solo
las subire en tamanho reducido cuando sean muchas.

OBAMA HA GANADO!!!!                    

PS.3 Discover now why all of us(bloggers)are on:
Descubre porque todos nosotros(bloggers) estamos en: the latest from top fashion blogs.

Nikicio is a brand born in Singapore.
They believe in conceiving something that will
outlast trends.Caracteristic of their 3 collections:
VOL.1,VOL.2 and VOL.3  are classic cuts with high end 
constructions that are happily substantial.
They've sent me this lovely dress which belongs to
 their VOL.3 collection.
You can find out more about NIKICIO here.

Nikicio es una marca nacida en Singapore.
Se basan en concebir prendas que sobrevivan a las
tendencias.Las caracteristicas de sus tres colecciones:
Vol.1,Vol.2 y Vol.3 son los cortes clasicos.
Me han mandado este vestido que pertenece
 a su ultima coleccion VOL.3.
Puedes ver el resto de la coleccion e informarte sobre

boots-vintage shop in Reykjavik

Hairy Hamster

Here comes another render I've just made and this time after messing around with particles, I think I managed to create some kind of rodent. In this render I had 5 levels of ambient occlusion enabled, which made rendering a slow process, but it has really helped the shading in this scene.

Hairy Hamster
