Mist Moments

I managed to create a new render before the end of the year showing some rocky mountains in a light mist as the sun starts to go down. I have never done a scene with mist in it before so I thought I'd give it a go. It took a lot of tweaking to get the desired low flying fog effect, but I think it was well worth it.

Misty Mountains
Look of the Day.22: the next thing!
Happy 2009!!!!
2008 has brought me so much that  I cannot
 complain even once about all of what's going on in
my life right now...If I give you a scoop,yes next year is gonna
be even more exciting!But I just hope 2009
 is as good as 2008,I hope it brings you guys
happiness and love,
and that all you wanted for this new year becomes true.
You know,if you really want it you'll get it!

Feliz 2009!
2008 ha sido uno de los mejores anhos que he tenido,
y no me puedo quejar absolutamente de nada sobre lo 
que esta sucediendo en mi vida actualmente.Estoy 
realmente agradecida e ilusionada.(como pequenho adelanto
solo puedo decir que el proximo anho ya viene cargadito de sorpresas!)
 Espero que el 2009 sea igual de bueno que este anho, 
que os traiga  amor y felicidad, y sobre todo, que  
lo que pidais  se haga realidad. Ya se sabe,
si realmente deseas algo de verdad,lo conseguiras!

hat-Urban Outfitters
jeans-Silent Noise
Bag- Louis Vuitton(neverfull model)

Prix Marie-Claire 08

pictures by Gerard Estadella

more pictures in Marie-Claire.es

mas fotos en Marie-Claire.es 

IƱigo and me

gorgeous Martina Klein(my fav.spanish ,

argentinian born, model)

Winona Ryder and Alberta Ferreti 

Manolo Blahnik

model Sasha Pivovarova

model and blogger Mayte de la Iglesia

Mario and Miranda

Paz Vega with husband Orson,designer David Delfin and Boris.

with Ariadne Ferret 

click to enlarge my press feature in Marie-Claire,Jan 09


necklace- Adam and Eve
boots-Linea U
ps.I miss you guys,i´m just MAD busy now...
VOGUE spain 

Este mes de diciembre hablan de mi en Vogue Espanha
(todo un orgullo nacional!)

I've been featured in Spanish VOGUE
december 08 printed  issue.
Translated text:
"Powerful women in their 20s
Studies fashion in London.
Her blog is one of the most visited for 
her very appropriate outfits. She's also
Adolfo Dominguez's creative director of 
their young line Linea U. With only 22 y/o
she defines her own style as risky and trendy,
her most versatile piece is a black blazer,
and she is one of the girls of the moment."

Look of the Day.20:  chain it


shorts-Levi's vintage
shoes-Top Shop

Today I poped by Westfield (were we took this crap
quality picture).Is not as amazing as they describe it,
just reminded me of The Emirates mall in Dubai,but
in Shepherd's Bush...

Hoy fui a Westfield,(donde sacamos
 la foto que es de muy mala resolucion,lo siento!)
se supone que es el centro comercial
mas grande de toda Europa,pero no me sorprendio tanto 
como la descripcion que tenia en mente,me recordo mucho
al centro comercial de los Emiratos en Dubai.

shoes-Miu Miu

P.S:Most of you might wonder what is about
the publicity banner in my blog.
Stolichnaya promotes AUTHENTICITY on the net,
and "inside am-lu's closet" has been chosen as one
of the blogs that represents authenticity.
they present their new fruity flavored range of the best
Russian born vodka.

P.D:La mayoria de vosotros os habreis preguntado  el
porque del banner publicitario en mi blog.
Stolichnaya promueve la Autenticidad en la red,
ellos han elegido"inside am-lul's closet" como uno
de los blogs mas autenticos de la red.(junto a SilviaPrada,
Trendnet.com, ninyofixo...etc)
Stoli nos presenta una extensa variedad de sabores
en su mejor vodka,que por supuesto,viene con amor 
desde Russia.


Lasf few days i had no sleep.
I've become workaholic,
and addicted to Starbucks hot chocolattes like every winter.
I bought a new pair of boots.(yes,another)
Im moving out on tuesday.
I'm tired, I'm off to bed to rest tonight,at least!

Durante los ultimos dias apenas he podido dormir.
Me he convertido en una adicta al trabajo,
al los chocolates calientes de Starbucks como cada invierno.
Me he comprado un nuevo par de botas.(si,otras mas)
Me mudo el martes.
Estoy muy cansada,me voy a dormir placidamente,al fin!
Amor para todos-Gala-

PS.this is the lovely tee-dress that EDIOT sent me.
it's incredible!
her store,HERE.



2 , 3 , 4 y 6 por la maƱana Diciembre 2008
Horario continuo de 10:00 a 20:30. ¡No cerramos a la hora de comer!

Calle San Pere MƔrtir 31 Bajo Izquierda
(en Gracia al lado de la Plaza Rius y Taulet)
JENNY YUEN and the Slash part.II

First of all.APOLOGIES for not been able
to post more often,I'm gonna be mad busy until the end
of next month.It seems December is the busiest
month for fashion business(apart from FW's).
I love what I do,but It takes sometimes so much out of you!

Jenny Yuen it's a wonderful handbag designer
from NYC graduated from Parsons.
She kindly sent me this gorgeous bag,
which since the last couple of weeks  has become
my favourite bag!The soft and lovely coloured leather,
the zips and logos,everything it has been done to a
very high standard.(she truly puts her heart on each 
of her own pieces,and it shows)
This winter i've been mad looking for a double-use bag.
Were I could wear it as a messenger for a daily use
 and also it could be the perfect chic handbag for going out.
This one has it all.
If you are interested,the model I'm wearing
 is the HITCHCOCK chesnut,
and now  entering this code:"Thankyou08"
you can get FREE DELIVERY!
For more info about Jenny Yuen bags click HERE.

Ante todo,DISCULPAS por no poder actualizar
mas amenudo ultimamente,pero estoy y estare 
ocupadisima hasta finales del prox mes con
 muchos proyectos.
Diciembre parece estar siendo el mes mas atareado 
en mi agenda,(aparte de las fashion weeks).

Jenny Yuen,es una fantastica disenhadora de bolsos
graduada en la Parsons de NYC.
Amablemente me envio uno de sus preciosos bolsos que,
desde que llego a mis manos no he podido dejar de usar,
hasta convertirse en uno de mis bolsos preferidos!
y es que desde hace meses llevaba buscando un bolso con
doble uso,para llevar como bandolera durante los dias de semana
y que a la vez fuese elegante y de mano.
Los logos,cremalleras,lacados y la blandita piel estan realizados
a un alto nivel y lujo donde con el uso,el bolso, se vuelve todavia
mas bonito.Si estas interesada en adquirir uno,ahora usando el
codigo:"thankyou08" el envio te saldra gratis.
El modelo que yo llevo es el: HITCHCOCK chesnut.
Para mas info visita JENNY YUEN


scarf-present from ecuador

making of Ragazza+ this months feature

Mr Vuitton hizo posible que nos 
 reunieramos en la capital Madrilenha.
Pronto conocereis el porque.:)
(foto de Mario)



While i catch up with your comments,get ready
 "the coming up posts"(and get the pictures from the Marie-Claire 
Prix awards) you can watch the video making of 
Gala for RAGAZZA magazine(The pictures have been posted 
already HERE)Courtesy of Carlota Pedrayo

Mientras me pongo al dia y respondo vuestros comentarios
(lo siento si ultimamente casi no he podido hacerlo pero estas 
semanas estoy mas ocupada que nunca y con esto de que las 
navidades se acercan el tiempo se vuelve oro) y preparo las 
nuevas entradas para mi blog(fotos de los Prix Marie-Claire 
y del ultimo viajecillo), podeis ver el video del making of
 para Ragazza(las fotos ya las habeis visto aqui)
Cortesia de Carlota Pedrayo.
Plus this month feature in Ragazza magazine AGAIN!
Y este mes vuelvo a hacer acto de presencia en la revista Ragazza!


TEEN VOGUE U.S.A (feature)

blogger of the moment!

"...this Spanish beauty is a sure-fire stylesetter in the making
 and giving some of the chic citezens featured on
 the Sartorialist a serious run for their money."
---Naomi Nevitt


Vogue,the magic word. click HERE to read!
Haz click arriba para leer el articulo.


Calle20 magazine


November Issue out now!

Look of the Day.19: blue-blurry muffin

leather jacket-vintage
shirt-urban outfitters


I've been quite busy this last few days,looking for my new house is quite stressful
plus the last weeks I've been doing  an awful amount of photo shoots and
 I'm exahusted! I'm still trying to catch up with your latest comments!
Meanwhile you can read the little feature that Culture Creators
from L.A has done  about me. check it out here.
Btw! I must be the last blogger to let you know i'm on Bloglovin' too...
i was meant to tell you ages ago,but I always forget! well...
Then you know how to follow me now don't you?just press the button!

Culture Creators (L.A) ha escrito una pequenha entrada sobre mi aqui.
Por cierto!debo de ser de las ultimas en comentar que podeis seguir
mi blog via Bloglovin'...quise hacerlo hace mucho,pero siempre
se me olvida!Tan solo haz click en el boton superior!
