Look of the Day.127: Pass the Dutchie

My mate Michelle is back from China...and seems in the past few months we hardly have seen each other as much as we wanted (as I have myself, been down in Brazil for quite a while too). But now we are back together trotting around London and trying to sort out accommodation for New York during Fashion Week, (if anyone knows of a good place, suggestions are more than welcome!). Meantime I'm trying to find cool music to get ready my dj set, as i'll be attending and dj-ing during Madrid's Vogue Fashion Night Out (all details will be posted very soon!!!). This is what I wore yesterday for a shooting down in Chelsea, after that Michelle and I drove back to East London to grab lunch down in Shoreditch House eat french fries and catch up for  a while. I'm wearing vintage Levi's shorts, blazer from River Island , Oasis boots, the Monster bag by Deadly Ponies and shirt by Lacoste.

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